Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Jens_Hoppe »

Der er sandelig sket noget med BGG's top 100 siden 2010! Dengang lå Puerto Rico i toppen, og der var to udgaver af Dominion i top 10! :shock:

Men lad mig se, hvor mange af de nuværende top 100, jeg har spillet:

Har spillet (*: Og vil gerne spille igen)
Vil gerne spille
Ikke interesseret

Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015)
*Twilight Struggle (2009)
*Terra Mystica (2012)

Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
*Puerto Rico (2002)
*7 Wonders Duel (2015)

Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

*Agricola (2007)
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
*Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
*War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)

Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
Blood Rage (2015)

Power Grid (2004)
Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)

Codenames (2015)

*Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
*Brass (2007)
*Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
*T.I.M.E Stories (2015)

Keyflower (2012)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
*7 Wonders (2010)

Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007)
*The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

*Eldritch Horror (2013)
Orléans (2014)
*Food Chain Magnate (2016)
Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
*Concordia (2013)
Dominant Species (2010)
Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
*Terraforming Mars (2016)
*Patchwork (2014)
*El Grande (1995)

*Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Dominion: Intrigue (2009)

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
Five Tribes (2014)
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)
Battlestar Galactica (2008)
Dominion (2008)

Fields of Arle (2014)
*Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
Trajan (2011)

*Russian Railroads (2013)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)
*Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
*Pandemic (2008)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
*The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
*War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)

Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
*Crokinole (1876)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)

Troyes (2010)
*Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
*Ora et Labora (2011)
*Stone Age (2008)

Kemet (2012)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)
Alchemists (2014)
Arcadia Quest (2014)

Nations (2013)
*Mombasa (2015)

Suburbia (2012)
*Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Star Realms (2014)
*Railways of the World (2005)
Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
*Steam (2009)
*Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
Mage Wars Arena (2012)

Cosmic Encounter (2008)
The Gallerist (2015)
*The Princes of Florence (2000)
*Age of Steam (2002)
Splendor (2014)

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Istanbul (2014)
Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
*Village (2011)

Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
*Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)

Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)

Så jeg har spillet 67/100 spil. Af de 67, er der 39, som jeg gerne spiller igen, og 28 jeg ikke gider mere.

67/100 er præcist samme antal som i 2010, og med 65/100 spil i 2013 holder jeg mig på et rimeligt konstant niveau.

Af de 33 spil jeg ikke har prøvet, er der 6 jeg gerne vil prøve, og dermed 27 jeg er ligeglad med. Sammenlignet med at jeg i 2010 gerne ville prøve 15 af de 33 spil, jeg ikke havde spillet, er jeg åbenbart blevet mere ligeglad med at prøve nyt - hvilket også passer med min egen fornemmelse.
What are you, like 80?
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by BlueSwan »

Jeg har prøvet 71 af top 100. Eller 73 hvis man tæller Viticulture Essential Edition og War Of The Ring (1st edition) med (har spillet Viticulture med Tuscany expansion og War Of The Ring Second Edition). Vil i princippet gerne prøve alle de resterende 27 spil.
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by JoelP »

Jens, hvorfor vil du gerne spille den game Through the Ages, men ikke den nye? Og så er både Blood Rage og Keyflower altså et par super gode eurogames :)
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Jens_Hoppe »

JoelP wrote:Jens, hvorfor vil du gerne spille den game Through the Ages, men ikke den nye? Og så er både Blood Rage og Keyflower altså et par super gode eurogames :)
Jeg vil ikke (under nogen omstændigheder!) spille TtA - den har ikke nogen '*'. :) De to andre vil jeg ikke nægte at spille, men jeg er på den anden side heller ikke specielt interesseret i at prøve dem...
What are you, like 80?
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by BlueSwan »

Det er nemmest at liste dem jeg IKKE har spillet:

Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)

Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014) - Jeg ejer det, men har ikke fået det spillet.


Eldritch Horror (2013)
Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
Terraforming Mars (2016) - Er ret sikker på at jeg snart får spillet dette.

Battlestar Galactica (2008) - Jeg ejer det, men har ikke fået det spillet.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004) - Ejer og har spillet Second edition
Viticulture Essential Edition (2015) - Har spillet Viticulture/Tuscany masser af gange.

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
Ora et Labora (2011)
Stone Age (2008)
Kemet (2012)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)
Alchemists (2014)
Arcadia Quest (2014)

Suburbia (2012) - Bliver helt sikkert prøvet inden jul.
Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Chaos in the Old World (2009)

Age of Steam (2002)
Forbidden Stars (2015)

Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Go (-2200)
Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)

Nogle observationer:

Fantasy Flight games er helt vildt overrepræsenterede her. De fleste af deres store titler har jeg ikke prøvet. Der er ikke rigtig nogen af mine spillevenner der er FFG fans, hvilket også har gjort det svært at få Imperial Assault og Battlestar Galactica på bordet, selvom jeg har ejet dem i et pænt stykke tid.

Jeg har prøvet langt de fleste euros på top 100 og de resterende skal jeg nok komme igennem.

Jeg er ret tæt på at have spillet alle spil i top 30. Lige et par tunge FFG titler jeg skal igennem.

Med tiden er det helt sikkert mit mål at få spillet alle disse titler. Det er kun WOTR first edition og Viticulture Essential Edition jeg anser for overflødige.
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Mr.OD »

Det er ikke en top 100 jeg er særligt enig i :D

Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015)
*Twilight Struggle (2009)
*Terra Mystica (2012)
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
*Puerto Rico (2002)

*7 Wonders Duel (2015)
Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

*Agricola (2007)
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
*Mage Knight Board Game (2011)

*War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
Blood Rage (2015)
Power Grid (2004)
Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
Codenames (2015)

*Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
*Brass (2007)
*Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)

*T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
Keyflower (2012)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
*7 Wonders (2010)

Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007)
*The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

*Eldritch Horror (2013)
Orléans (2014)
*Food Chain Magnate (2016)

Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
*Concordia (2013)
Dominant Species (2010)
Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
*Terraforming Mars (2016)
*Patchwork (2014)
*El Grande (1995)

*Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Dominion: Intrigue (2009)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)

Five Tribes (2014)
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)

Battlestar Galactica (2008)
Dominion (2008)
Fields of Arle (2014)
*Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
Trajan (2011)

*Russian Railroads (2013)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)
*Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
*Pandemic (2008)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)

*The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
*War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)

Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
*Crokinole (1876)

A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)

Troyes (2010)
*Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
*Ora et Labora (2011)
*Stone Age (2008)

Kemet (2012)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)
Alchemists (2014)

Arcadia Quest (2014)
Nations (2013)
*Mombasa (2015)

Suburbia (2012)
*Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Star Realms (2014)
*Railways of the World (2005)
Combat Commander: Europe (2006)

Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
*Steam (2009)
*Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
Mage Wars Arena (2012)

Cosmic Encounter (2008)
The Gallerist (2015)
*The Princes of Florence (2000)
*Age of Steam (2002)

Splendor (2014)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Istanbul (2014)
Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
*Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
*Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)

Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by JoelP »

Jens_Hoppe wrote:
JoelP wrote:Jens, hvorfor vil du gerne spille den game Through the Ages, men ikke den nye? Og så er både Blood Rage og Keyflower altså et par super gode eurogames :)
Jeg vil ikke (under nogen omstændigheder!) spille TtA - den har ikke nogen '*'. :) De to andre vil jeg ikke nægte at spille, men jeg er på den anden side heller ikke specielt interesseret i at prøve dem...
Ah, på den måde, jeg misforstod den grønne bølge :)
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Frouvne »

Ja, der er godt nok sket meget i toppen af BGG's top 100!

Har spillet
* Vil gerne spille (igen) (forstået som at det er spil, jeg kunne finde på aktivt at gøre noget for at komme til at spille)

*Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015) - har prøvet det oprindelige spil
*Twilight Struggle (2009)
*Terra Mystica (2012)
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
*Puerto Rico (2002)
7 Wonders Duel (2015)
Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

*Agricola (2007)
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
*Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
*War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
Blood Rage (2015)
*Power Grid (2004)
*Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
*Codenames (2015)

*Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
*Brass (2007)
*Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
*T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
*Keyflower (2012)

Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
7 Wonders (2010)
*Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007) - har spillet 1st ed.
*The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

Eldritch Horror (2013)
*Orléans (2014)
*Food Chain Magnate (2016)
Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
Concordia (2013)
*Dominant Species (2010)
Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
*Terraforming Mars (2016)
*Patchwork (2014)
*El Grande (1995)

*Race for the Galaxy (2007)
*Dominion: Intrigue (2009)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
*Five Tribes (2014)
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)
*Battlestar Galactica (2008)
*Dominion (2008)

Fields of Arle (2014)
*Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
*Trajan (2011)

*Russian Railroads (2013)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)
*Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
*Pandemic (2008)
*Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
*The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)
Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
*Crokinole (1876)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)

Troyes (2010)
*Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) - har spillet 1st ed.
*Ora et Labora (2011)
Stone Age (2008)
Kemet (2012)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)

Alchemists (2014)
Arcadia Quest (2014)
*Nations (2013)
*Mombasa (2015)

*Suburbia (2012)
Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Star Realms (2014)
Railways of the World (2005)
Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
*Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
*Steam (2009)
*Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
Mage Wars Arena (2012)

Cosmic Encounter (2008)
The Gallerist (2015)
*The Princes of Florence (2000)
*Age of Steam (2002)
*Splendor (2014)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)

Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

*Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Istanbul (2014)

*Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
*Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)

Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
*Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)

Så jeg har spillet 73/100 spil.
frouvne, administrator

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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by chr88 »

88; det går dog liiidt langsomt med at få prøvet nye spil for tiden, og med alle de nye spil, der hele tiden kommer ind i top 100, tvivler jeg på, at jeg nogensinde får prøvet alle 100... :cry:
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by BlueSwan »

chr88 wrote:88; det går dog liiidt langsomt med at få prøvet nye spil for tiden, og med alle de nye spil, der hele tiden kommer ind i top 100, tvivler jeg på, at jeg nogensinde får prøvet alle 100... :cry:
88 er dog ret godt gået. Hvilke 12 mangler du?
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Goblen »

Med grønt = spillet: (tillod mig at kopiere listen fra en af de andre og så rette den til)

Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015)
Twilight Struggle (2009)
Terra Mystica (2012)
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
Puerto Rico (2002)

7 Wonders Duel (2015)
Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

Agricola (2007)
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
Blood Rage (2015)
Power Grid (2004)
Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
Codenames (2015)

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
Brass (2007)
Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
Keyflower (2012)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)

7 Wonders (2010)
Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007) - har spillet 1st ed.
The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

Eldritch Horror (2013)
Orléans (2014)
Food Chain Magnate (2016)
Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
Concordia (2013)
Dominant Species (2010)

Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
Terraforming Mars (2016)
Patchwork (2014)
El Grande (1995)

Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Dominion: Intrigue (2009)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
Five Tribes (2014)
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)
Battlestar Galactica (2008)

Dominion (2008)
Fields of Arle (2014)
Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
Trajan (2011)

Russian Railroads (2013)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
Pandemic (2008)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)
Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
Crokinole (1876)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)

Troyes (2010)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) - har spillet 1st ed.

Ora et Labora (2011)
Stone Age (2008)
Kemet (2012)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)
Alchemists (2014)
Arcadia Quest (2014)
Nations (2013)
Mombasa (2015)

Suburbia (2012)
Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Star Realms (2014)
Railways of the World (2005)
Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)

Steam (2009)
Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
Mage Wars Arena (2012)
Cosmic Encounter (2008)
The Gallerist (2015)

The Princes of Florence (2000)
Age of Steam (2002)
Splendor (2014)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Istanbul (2014)
Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Gunness »

Jeg vil også lege med og har hugget herr Forumejers layout:

Har spillet
* Vil gerne spille (igen) (forstået som at det er spil, jeg kunne finde på aktivt at gøre noget for at komme til at spille)

*Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
*Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015)
*Twilight Struggle (2009)
*Terra Mystica (2012)

Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
*Puerto Rico (2002)
*7 Wonders Duel (2015)
*Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

Agricola (2007)
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
*Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
*War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)

*Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
*Blood Rage (2015)
Power Grid (2004)
*Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
*Codenames (2015)

*Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
*Brass (2007)
Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
*T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
Keyflower (2012)
*Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
7 Wonders (2010)
*Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007) - har spillet 1st ed.

*The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

Eldritch Horror (2013)
*Orléans (2014)
*Food Chain Magnate (2016)
Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
*Concordia (2013)
*Dominant Species (2010)
Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
*Terraforming Mars (2016)
*Patchwork (2014)
*El Grande (1995)

Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Dominion: Intrigue (2009)

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
*Five Tribes (2014)
Lords of Waterdeep (2012)
*Battlestar Galactica (2008)
Dominion (2008)

Fields of Arle (2014)
*Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
Trajan (2011)

Russian Railroads (2013)
*Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)
*Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
Pandemic (2008)

*Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
*The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)
*Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
Crokinole (1876)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)
(har spillet 1st edition)

Troyes (2010) [/color]
*Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) - har spillet 1st ed.
Ora et Labora (2011)
Stone Age (2008)
Kemet (2012)
*Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)

Alchemists (2014)
*Arcadia Quest (2014)
*Nations (2013)
*Mombasa (2015)

Suburbia (2012)
Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)

Paths of Glory (1999)
Star Realms (2014) [/color]
Railways of the World (2005)
Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
*Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
Steam (2009)
*Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
Mage Wars Arena (2012)
*Cosmic Encounter (2008)
*The Gallerist (2015)
*The Princes of Florence (2000)
Age of Steam (2002)
Splendor (2014)

*The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

*Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Istanbul (2014)
Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
*Imperial Settlers (2014)
*Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
*Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)

Så jeg har spillet 61/100 spil. Af dem, jeg mangler at prøve, er det ubetinget The Gallerist og Terraforming Mars, der presser sig mest på.
Bestilt: Floe, The Old King's Crown, Mycelia, Peacekeepers, Unconscious Mind, Rise & Fall, Dark Quarter, Through Ice & Snow
Seneste: Harmonies, An Age Contrived, Nucleum, Endless Winter, Lands of Galzyr, Pandemic Leg. S0, Oak, Botany
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Larsine »

Jeg har aldrig gået efter at spille et spil bare fordi det er højt på BGG listen, næsten tværtimod.

Men alligevel er der en del af spillene som jeg har prøvet, nogle som jeg gerne spiller igen, nogen som jeg er ligeglade med, og så nogen som jeg nok aldrig kommer til at spille.

Har spillet
* Vil gerne spille (igen)
- Kommer jeg nok aldrig til at spille (igen)

- Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015)
Twilight Struggle (2009)
* Terra Mystica (2012)
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
* Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
- Puerto Rico (2002)
* 7 Wonders Duel (2015)
Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

* Agricola (2007)
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
Blood Rage (2015)
Power Grid (2004)
Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
* Codenames (2015)

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
Brass (2007)
Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
Keyflower (2012)
* Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
* 7 Wonders (2010)
Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007) - Har spillet 1st edition
The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

Eldritch Horror (2013)
Orléans (2014)
Food Chain Magnate (2016)
Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
Concordia (2013)
Dominant Species (2010)
* Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
* Terraforming Mars (2016)
* Patchwork (2014)
El Grande (1995)

- Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Dominion: Intrigue (2009)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
* Five Tribes (2014)
* Lords of Waterdeep (2012)
* Battlestar Galactica (2008)
* Dominion (2008)
Fields of Arle (2014)
- Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
- Trajan (2011)

* Russian Railroads (2013)
* Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
- Pandemic (2008)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
* The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)
Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
* Crokinole (1876)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011) - Har spillet 1st edition

Troyes (2010)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) - har spillet 1st ed.
Ora et Labora (2011)
* Stone Age (2008)
Kemet (2012)
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)
* Alchemists (2014)
Arcadia Quest (2014)
Nations (2013)
Mombasa (2015)

Suburbia (2012)
Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Star Realms (2014) [/color]
Railways of the World (2005)
Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
- Chaos in the Old World (2009)
* Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
Steam (2009)
Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
Mage Wars Arena (2012)
Cosmic Encounter (2008)
The Gallerist (2015)
The Princes of Florence (2000)
Age of Steam (2002)
Splendor (2014)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

Hansa Teutonica (2009)
Istanbul (2014)
Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
* Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)
* Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)

Så 31 ud af 100, hvilket jo ligger i den lave ende af de tal som andre brugere praler med herinde ;-)
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Favoritspil: Twilight Struggle, Wonderland's War, Unsettled, Great Western Trail
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Gunness »

Noget skal vi jo prale med ;)
Bestilt: Floe, The Old King's Crown, Mycelia, Peacekeepers, Unconscious Mind, Rise & Fall, Dark Quarter, Through Ice & Snow
Seneste: Harmonies, An Age Contrived, Nucleum, Endless Winter, Lands of Galzyr, Pandemic Leg. S0, Oak, Botany
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Re: Hvor mange spil på BGG's top 100 har du prøvet?

Post by Michael_Olsen »

Det kan jeg gøre "bedre" end Lars, 24 spillet.

Jeg kan måske finde på at gå efter et højt rangeret spil bare for at prøve at se hvorfor det nu er så populært, men som udgangspunkt er jeg helt klart mest til dem der ligger lige udenfor.

Når jeg kigger på min top 10 så er de bgg ranket således: 76, 911, 229, 296, 106, 190, 706, 3238, 1402, 174

Jeg er selv lidt overrasket over at når jeg kigger på de 76 jeg ikke har spillet, er der faktisk kun 4 som jeg aktivt vil foreslå at spille.

Har spillet
* Kan jeg finde på at foreslå at spille (igen)
- Vil jeg ikke ikke spille (igen), men kan overtales
-- Vil jeg ikke spille

-- Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (2015)
-- Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (2015)
* Twilight Struggle (2009)
- Terra Mystica (2012)
*Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
* Puerto Rico (2002)
- 7 Wonders Duel (2015)
Scythe (2016)
The Castles of Burgundy (2011)

* Agricola (2007)
-- Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (2006)
* Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
* Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
Blood Rage (2015)
Power Grid (2004)
* Eclipse (2011)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
Codenames (2015)[/color]

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
Brass (2007)
Le Havre (2008)
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
Keyflower (2012)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
- 7 Wonders (2010)
Caylus Premium Limited Edition (2007) - Har spillet 1st edition
The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)

Eldritch Horror (2013)
Orléans (2014)
- Food Chain Magnate (2016)
- Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) (2005)
Concordia (2013)
Dominant Species (2010)
Roll for the Galaxy (2014)
Terraforming Mars (2016)
Patchwork (2014)
El Grande (1995)

* Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Dominion: Intrigue (2009)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
Five Tribes (2014)
* Lords of Waterdeep (2012)
Battlestar Galactica (2008) [/color]
Dominion (2008)
Fields of Arle (2014)
Euphrat & Tigris (aka Tigris & Euphrates) (1997)
Trajan (2011)

Russian Railroads (2013)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014)
- Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1982)
-- Pandemic (2008)
* Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
The Resistance: Avalon (2012)
War of the Ring (first edition) (2004)
Viticulture Essential Edition (2015)
Crokinole (1876)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)

Troyes (2010)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
Ora et Labora (2011)
Stone Age (2008)
Kemet (2012)
* Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014)
Alchemists (2014)
Arcadia Quest (2014)
- Nations (2013)
Mombasa (2015)

Suburbia (2012)
* Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Paths of Glory (1999)
* Star Realms (2014)
Railways of the World (2005)
* Combat Commander: Europe (2006)
Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
Steam (2009)
Goa (2004)

Viticulture (2013)
- Mage Wars Arena (2012)
Cosmic Encounter (2008)
The Gallerist (2015)
The Princes of Florence (2000)
Age of Steam (2002)
- Splendor (2014)
* The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
La Granja (2014)

Hansa Teutonica (2009)
-- Istanbul (2014)
Go (-2200)
Tichu (1991)
* Village (2011)
Jaipur (2009)
Imperial Settlers (2014)
* Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)
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