Treefrog Subscriptions 2014

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Treefrog Subscriptions 2014

Post by Frouvne »

Til dem der ikke allerede har bemærket det, så er det igen muligt at abonnere på Martin Wallaces spil fra Treefrog Games. Som tidligere bliver der tale om spil i en limited edition udgave med træ-komponenter.


The Treefrog Subscription Plan for 2014
The New Year is here and Treefrog is going back in time, to 2008 to be exact. We have decided to go back to limited editions and the subscription offer.

The subscription offer will be for three games. Each of these titles will be produced in two forms, the limited edition and the standard edition. The limited edition versions will have wooden pieces rather than cardboard counters and they will all be numbered and signed. Each copy will not contain a poster and no t-shirts or mugs will be included in the offer. Only fifteen hundred limited edition copies will be produced, with no possibility of a reprint in that form.

The Games

The first game to be produced will be Mythotopia, which was originally going to be released by Asmodee. However, they have now decided to take one of my other designs, thus returning the rights to Mythotopia to Treefrog. We are aiming to have the game ready by July. You can find out more about the design here.

The second game will be Ships and is about the history of shipping, following on from Automobile. This is an economic/development game with almost zero luck. It plays with two to five players and takes around two hours to complete. I really like the way this game has turned out. It takes you from the dawn of shipping to the 1940s. It has a progression track similar to that in Automobile but with a different set of mechanisms built around it. The rules are actually quite short for one of my designs, but there is a lot going on in the game. You can read a little more about the game here.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you what the third game will be. This is not because it has not been designed yet, as it has and is pretty much finished. The problem is that I need permission to use the license. Negotiations are in progress and I’m 99% sure that I will get the green-light, but until then I cannot say more, except to say it has a sci-fi theme. What you will get is a game unlike any other in your collection, both in terms of the theme and the actual physical representation of the playing area. If for some reason the deal falls through then I will have an alternative design ready to replace this one.

Subscription Costs
The UK and North American subscription price will be NZ $260.
UK US Treefrog Subscription
The European subscription price will be NZ $280.
EU Treefrog Subscription
The Rest of the World price will be NZ $360 unless you would prefer it tracked, in which case please choose the NZ$420 option.
Rest of the World Treefrog Subscription
The price for South America, South Korea, and South Africa will be NZ $420. Please note that your parcels will be tracked.
Tracked Treefrog Subscription
The subscription charge includes postage and packaging. All North American orders will be sent from a point within the US. All other orders will be shipped from the UK. For those folks outside of the US and Europe this means a higher shipping charge.

We will not be offering discounts for cases of six. Each game will be sold individually. Please do not ask us to bundle games together to save postage.

The subscriptions payment will be made via Worldpay at the Treefrog Store. There will be no Paypal option. The main reason for doing this is that it makes our book-keeping a lot easier. Having funds in four different currencies makes life difficult for the accountant.

Limited Availability
Only six hundred subscriptions will be available from Treefrog. A further six hundred copies of each game will be available for purchase via the internet once the game is produced and three hundred will be available to buy at Essen. Treefrog will not be taking pre-orders for these games. If you want to guarantee getting a copy of each game then you need to subscribe. The subscription window will be open until May 31st 2014.

Please do not request a particular number. In the old days I could sign each box personally. Now I’m based in New Zealand this is a little harder to do. What I will be doing is signing stickers which will then be placed inside the packaging.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself at

or Julia at
frouvne, administrator

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Re: Treefrog Subscriptions 2014

Post by Robert »

Tak for tippet. Det ser meget interessant ud.
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Re: Treefrog Subscriptions 2014

Post by Mik »

Jeg fik en mail fra Julia i går hvor hun lovede at holde mig orienteret om opdateringer.

Personligt glæder jeg meget over at Mythotopia bliver udgivet af Treefrog i stedet for af Asmodee (og så er jeg naturligvis spændt på at se hvilket spil de så har valgt i stedet for).

Ships er forhåbentligt bedre end Aeroplanes. Hvis det lægger sig midt imellem de to første transportspil (Automobile var det første), så vil jeg være en glad mand. Og det tredje spil i serien tager jeg gerne med uden at vide noget-som-helst :D
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