Neutron - en kasse øl

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Neutron - en kasse øl

Post by MartinMPedersen »

Da jeg studerede for mange år siden spillede jeg en del Neutron, som
er et lille hurtigt spil.

Spillet kan spilles, hvis man har en kasse øl (helst tre forskellige slags øl-flasker i kassen).

Reglerne kan bl.a. findes her:, men da de næsten er ulæselig pga. den hæslige baggrund, som er de gengivet her:

Neutron is a two-player game played on a 5x5 square board; White owns the five white pawns at the bottom of the board and Black owns the five black pawns at the top of the board. The neutron begins in the center and doesn't belong to anybody. Figure 1 shows the board at the beginning of the game. Notice the coordinates used for recording moves.

Code: Select all

                 A   B   C   D   E
             1 | x | x | x | x | x | 1 <- Black's back row
             2 |   |   |   |   |   | 2
             3 |   |   | * |   |   | 3
             4 |   |   |   |   |   | 4
             5 | o | o | o | o | o | 5 <- White's back row
                 A   B   C   D   E

        x = Black pawn  o = White pawn  * = Neutron

              Figure 1.  Beginning of Neutron.

Winning the game is simple; just maneuver the neutron onto your own back row. It doesn't matter if you move it there yourself or if you force your opponent to do the deed for you. As soon as the neutron shows up on your back row, you've won the game. You can also win by stalemating your opponenet. That is, if your opponent gets trapped in a situation where he cannot complete his turn, you've also won the game. Each turn has two parts and it is easy to lose because both parts must be completed before the turn is legal.

White always plays first and the turn alternate -- White, Black, White, Black, ... . As I said above, a turn has two parts. First the player moves the neutron; then he moves one of his own pawns. Now it is a little easier to see how a stalemate might occur. If Black can trap the neutron sorround it completely with with pawns -- then White will not be able to complete even the first part of his turn and so will lose the game. There is one exception to the two part turn rule. On White's very first turn only, White does not move the neutron. This helps even out the advantage White gets from moving first.

Every piece, even the neutron, moves in excactly the same way -- along a straight line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. A piece stops moving just before it runs into another piece or the side wall; there is no jumping or capturing. But there is one unusual feature. When a piece moves, it must go as far as possible in the direction chosen. There is no stopping short. For example, White's pawn which begins on B5 can go to A4, B2, or E2, but it cannot stop on B3 or C4. Neutron pieces are a lot like politicians; they aren't smart enough to stop when they're ahead.
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Post by Frouvne »

... og hvis man ikke lige har en kasse øl ved hånden - :( - kan man vel nøjes med nogle IceHouse-brikker og evt. et Volcano Board...

Spillet ser ud til at kunne være interessant og vil blive testet i sidstnævnte version her i huset! :D
frouvne, administrator

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Post by qute »

Bonus info:
Jeg har lavet et computerprogram der spiller det. Det spiller ok.

Hvis nogen har interesse i det, kan jeg lige lægge programmet online et sted.
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