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En trist nyhed fra Heron Games

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:58 pm
by netsapiens
Jeg har lige læst Heron Games nyhedbrev, som her er gengivet til fulde:
Welcome to the latest news byte for 2013. It may not be what you are expecting...

The only news is that Heron Games is closing down. There are a variety of reasons for this, with no single reason for the decision.

Following this year's March Sale and our presence at UK Games Expo over the past weekend, stock is at an all-time low. What is left can be seen on the web site. Sale prices have returned (in some cases they never went away) and you are welcome to buy some games and own a slice of Heron Games' Last Hurrah.

Free postage is not on offer this time, no matter how large the order. You should be aware by now how the system works. Games will be removed from the list once they've gone, but this will happen when I process an order, not when an order is placed, so my apologies in advance to anyone who finds that what they asked for had in fact already gone.

There will be no restocks - once these have gone, they have gone.

Heron Games may return, as I have had some interest in selling the name. If that happens, who knows what form the new Heron Games will take. I will not be involved in that process, so please don't come complaining to me :-)

Know one thing, though. I will be selling the name, but will not be selling your details as well. Your dealings were with this incarnation of Heron Games, and it is not appropriate for me to give your details to anyone else for any reason.

If you were one of those who asked me to let you know when 1825 games and kits came back into stock, I strongly advise you to contact Charlie Wilson at Northumbria Games ( Charlie is also waiting for new stock, but you could be in luck, as Francis Tresham was talking this weekend about getting more games produced, although Unit 1 seems to be off the list again for the foreseeable future. For the reasons given above, I will not be passing my waiting list on to Charlie, but do drop him a line to join his queue.

A big thank you to all my customers for your business. May you find a friendly local/on-line game store that can meet your needs and keep your gaming habit satisfied.

Keith Thomasson
Heron Games

Det er sgu altid så trist når en butik lukker, og jeg ser altså en ildsjæl som Keith som en kollega, ikke en konkurrent.
Men han virker da afklaret med det synes jeg.